On Grief

An initiation to change


This episode is all about grief because, well, I’m deep in it. And to be honest it’s all I can really hold at the moment. Which perhaps is the best time to show up in it. In all of my grieving humanness.

If you’re moving through grief now, I hope this episode makes you feel like you have a friend close by. And if you ever are experiencing the powerful portal and initiation that is grief, and feel like you need that friend, I hope you remember that it’s here waiting for you.

The Main Jam...

  • The experience of grief.

  • How to move through it.

  • The nervous system in grief.

  • Walking as a potent healing tool.

  • Being by water.

  • Trusting change.

  • What flow really is.

  • Why we might self-isolate while in grief.

  • The old and new energy waves of grief.

  • And other such observations and human sharing.

No inner-knowing prompt this week because, well, I totally forgot. ;)

I love your face.

Your host,


Power & Safety


Commitment To Authenticity