

Purpose can be a heavy word, but it doesn’t need to be. Not if we look at it from a different angle. We’re taught from a young age to “find our purpose,” as if we’re not already living it. As if we haven’t been living it from the day we drew our first breath.

I hope this episode lightens up your relationship to purpose or at the very least, gives you something to chew on and a good laugh.

The Main Jam...

  • Sacred Rebel’s Oracle Deck

  • Space for a new vision

  • Diving timing

  • Letting go vs. giving up

  • Detaching from containers

  • Embracing “I don’t know”.

  • The big question: Why am I here?

  • Receiving our own energy first

  • Trusting apathy

  • Being moved by love

  • My Mentor Kiley Redhead

  • A perspective shift on purpose

I love your face.

Your host,




  1. Where am I trying to force life where I could be accepting it as it is?

  2. What can I offer while I’m here?



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