The Creative Void
The creative void holds so much for us. It is the doorway to the source of life itself. So why do we have such a hard time sitting within it? What is it that has us bracing at its edges or avoiding it entirely? Even when we know, and can sense, that it is the very thing that holds the answers we seek and is the map to the flow-state we crave.
In this episode, we dive into the creative void. Why it’s so incredibly important, why we avoid it, and how we can meet it with more ease. Something I’m certainly working on myself at the moment.
I hope this episode lands and perhaps even inspires you to soften into the creative void when you feel it’s time.
The Descension Cycle Program - Enrollment now open - Starting Sept 6th
The Descension Cycle Quiz - Find out which stage of descension you’re in.
The Main Jam...
Waking up to the systems that drain us.
Umbilical cord analogy.
The design of disconnection.
Wantonness of the feminine.
When we need to connect to the creative void.
When we’ve spent too much time in the creative void.
Why we resist the creative void.
Meeting the creative void with more ease.
I love your face.
Your host,