The Threshold
This episode is part 2 of a 3-part mini-series running for the rest of August all on the descension cycle home.
In this episode, we’re diving into phase 4 of the 7 phases of descension. The one that comes right after the space between, before creation and expansion.
The threshold is like being in the birth canal. It’s where we are ready to emerge from the soft and nourishing space between and into the world of creation and expansion. It is also the place we most often get stuck in. The place where we repetitively bump our heads up against the proverbial glass ceiling of our lives and loop between the same 3 cycles - dark night, space between, and threshold. It is also where both fear and excitement dance together as we begin to see glimmers of a new beginning.
Enrollment now open - Starting Sept 6th
The Descension Cycle Quiz - Find out which stage of descension you’re in.
The Main Jam...
The Space Between Episode.
What is happening to humanity.
What is The Descension Cycle?
Room to fall apart.
What is the Threshold phase?
Why we get stuck and loop in the threshold.
The grief of not expressing our true essence.
Supporting yourself in the threshold.
Gifts of the threshold.
Celebrating your emergence.
I love your face.
Your host,