Acting Into Fear


When is it time to act and when is it time to be still?

This episode centers around taking action into our fear and how to know when it’s time to lean in, and when it’s best to remain steady in our stillness.

It can take us a long time to be ready to act. Maybe months, maybe years. Maybe we don’t have the energy, maybe we haven’t learned the lessons, or maybe it just isn’t time. Only we know deep down in our bones what the truth for us is. And we have to give ourselves the gifts of compassion and patience for wherever it is we find ourselves.

And when the time comes, where our stillness has become stagnance, and what was once medicine has morphed into poison, we must face the truth of our fear. And use it as the gift it is. A breadcrumb. Leading us in the exact direction we might not be able to see, but know we need to go.

The Main Jam...

  • A question to ask yourself.

  • When stillness becomes stagnancy.

  • A post on fear and action.

  • Receiving messages at the right time.

  • No longer living scared.

  • Trusting your personal timeline.

  • Being stuck in a freeze response.

  • Acting into our fear.

  • Making it a game.

  • Using fear as a map.

  • Starving for our own energy.

  • How to defeat fear - Pema Chodron.

  • The Descension Cycle (Beta)

I love your face.

Your host,




  1. Is it time for me to act? Or is it time for me to be still?



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