

What would we long for if we could slow down long enough to actually listen to the steady and gentle call of our heart’s deepest truth?

We are entering an era of deep longing. The more we wake up to the way the systems of the world are more designed for the harvesting of our souls, rather than the nourishment of them, the more we will long for what actually feeds us.

If we don’t learn how to be with our longing, we will become consumed by it. Lost in the spin cycle continuously bumping our heads up against the preverbal glass ceiling, but never quite breaking through.

The Main Jam...

  • The grief that comes with longing.

  • The great longing.

  • Harmony in our heart’s true desires.

  • How to be in the discomfort of longing.

  • The Descension Cycle (Beta)

I love your face.

Your host,




  1. What would we long for if we could slow down long enough to actually listen to our heart’s deepest truth?



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