Finding Your Way

masculine energy in service of the heart


In this episode, I touch on an experience I have seen and felt happening with many people. The experience where we no longer feel connected to our old lives, yet are unsure of how to move forward in this new energy and sense of being. From a place where all of our old dreams and identities no longer seem to fit like they once used to.

If you’ve had the feeling of no longer being connected to old dreams or not having much, if any, motivation to participate in the world the way you once did, this episode is for you.

The Main Jam...

  • When we can no longer connect to our dreams and visions.

  • Heart resonance and radical honesty of inner-truth.

  • Shedding of identities and welcoming what’s true.

  • Beauty as a healing force.

  • Creating when you’re afraid of how it will be received.

  • Implementing structure when we feel lost.

  • Why we might resist masculine energy.

  • What to do if you don’t know what you want or where to go in life.

Inner-Knowing Prompts

  1. Where is your heart right now? Can you feel a certain area of your life (a dream, place, idea, creative endeavour, a person) that your heart rests within?

  2. What truths of your heart are being whispered to you lately?

  3. What structures or disciplines do you need to lean into in order to create movement in that heart resonate place?

I love your face.

Your host,


Commitment To Authenticity

