
in the new energy


If you’re in a phase of rebuilding, or feeling like you might be approaching that phase, this might be a nourishing one to tune into.

I riff on following your own inner rhythms, the soul descention into this human experience, the nature of working in this new energy, and many other bits and bobs that I hope feed your soul and help you to feel less alone.

I also have the Around the Fire Live Class coming up next Wednesday August 3rd. If you feel like you’ve been in the liminal space between, and are now facing the rebuilding of your life, but don’t quite know how to get moving, this is your jam.

The Main Jam...

  • Why the episode is a day late.

  • New vs. old ways of how we bring our work into the world.

  • Authenticity as the new currency and rebuilding with heart resonance.

  • The reason why the energy is different now.

  • The descent and full acceptance of being human.

  • Around the Fire - Live Class

  • Jon Hopkins song - Around the Fire

  • Aubry Marcus video - Gathering of the Tribe

  • The fear of not being received in our true capabilities.

Inner-Knowing Prompts

  1. Where am I now in my life?

  2. What pieces do I have in front of me?

  3. What is the next most heart resonant step for me?

I love your face.

Your host,


Finding Your Way


The Remedy Cupboard