The Remedy Cupboard

two birthdays in one day


It feels like I have a little gift cupped in the palm of my hands.

This beautiful creation that has been sitting with me for over 3-years. And I thought to myself, what a better day to bring it to light, to birth it into the world, than on my birthday.

So now we share the same birthday. And I think that’s kind of special.

In this episode, I share all about The Remedy Cupboard, and a few of the poignant parts of the creative journey I feel like you might be able to relate to.

The Main Jam...

  • It’s my Birthday! :)

  • It’s also The Remedy Cupboard’s Birthday!

  • The healing components of each Audio Remedy.

  • Trusting the timing of our creative process.

  • The difference between intuition and fear.

  • Letting go and seeing what sticks.

  • Patience and the waiting game of our journey.

  • The innate discomfort in creating new things.

  • The interplay of masculine & feminine energy.

Ok you lovely human, that’s it for today. If you check out The Remedy Cupboard, I hope you find something to soothe your soul and lift your spirits. And I hope you feel a little less alone on your journey home when you tune in.

Use code REMEDY20 to get 20% off.

I love your face.

Your host,




Energy First