Energy First

an experiment in trust


This episode is all about tuning into the energy first. About trusting our own inner-knowing, not questioning it or trying to sort out the details, and then taking immediate steps in whatever direction feels open and clear. Even if it doesn’t make logical sense.

I was going to start this out by saying that there’s been a massive shift in the energy, but I don’t think it’s that energy has shifted, I think it’s that we’ve shifted how we perceive and move through it.

I also touch on why I cut the episode last week and about the live class, Emerge, that will be on August 3rd, 2022 all about how to shift out of the liminal space and into more clarity and movement in your new beginning.

The Main Jam...

  • Figuring things out as you go and not pre-planning to the point of paralysis.

  • Leaning out of rush and panic and into the slowness of the body.

  • Living from the seat of the soul and choosing resonance first.

  • No longer adjusting ourselves for others’ comfort.

  • Talking yourself off the ledge.

  • The energy first experiment.

  • The self-creating energy of your own sun.

  • Accepting all parts of the human experience. Including the suffering.

  • The literal magic of going slow.

  • The Live class EMERGE on the liminal space between.

Journal Prompts

  1. What feels energetically off-kilter in your life?

  2. What feels energetically clear?

  3. What step can you take in this moment that your higher self is asking you to? (even just the tiniest of steps).

That’s it for today you lovely human.

I love your face.

Your host,


The Remedy Cupboard


Opening to Light