Opening to Light

A Shadow Work break


Sometimes we can get so immersed in "the work" and healing, that we forget to actually live life. It's like digging in the dirt, but never actually enjoying the bounty of our harvest. 

Maybe it's time to put your shovel down, and give yourself some space to breathe, play, and swim in the lightness of life for a bit. 

And it's not spiritual bypassing... it's survival.

The Main Jam...

  • Feeling into your authentic timeline

  • Cultivating the energy of that timeline now

  • Taking a break from shadow work

  • What to do if our capacity is overstretched

  • How to begin to shift toward the light

  • The Untethered Soul - by Michael Singer

  • Living Untethered - by Michael Singer

  • A tool to help you ground and calm your nervous system

  • Romancing yourself

  • The medicine of beauty

  • Sarah Baldwin

  • Teaching yourself it's safe to be in your body

Inner-knowing Prompts

1. Where is your capacity truly at?
2. Are you currently stretching your capacity beyond what is healthy?
3. What can you let go of, or temporarily step back from, to give yourself some space?
4. What simple pleasures do you most enjoy? What fills your cup up?
5. Take a moment to tap into your innocence. What does that feel like?

Ok, that’s it for now. We’ll catch you in the next episode!

I love your face.

Your host,


Energy First


Everything Feels Different