Everything Feels Different

the threshold we’ve passed


There has been a shift that I’m not quite sure we’ve fully grasped yet. Life feels different. A lot of things have lost their charge like social media, material possessions, and clicking into anything that has to do with the energy of “I need to run, hustle, and acquire in order to be a worthy and safe human.”

And this isn’t about suddenly becoming enlightened… this is something much deeper, indescribable, and bigger than that. And in this episode, you will hear me do my damndest to try and do just that. Describe it.

To warn you, this episode is a bit… floaty and out there. I’m not sure if it was the wisest choice, to kick off regular programming with something like this,  (or at least that’s what my logical mind says), however, when I asked myself the question… “what’s true?” This was it. So here we are.

The Main Jam…

  • Being a sensitive in the “ordinary world.”

  • The elusive feeling that everything is different.

  • Why social media has lost its charge.

  • The breaking down of old internal and external systems.

  • The question I ask myself before I create.

  • How to keep anchored in this new energy.

    I love your face.

    Your host,


Opening to Light


My Story