My Story

This human


In this episode, I do my best to walk my talk and tell my story. Or at least the parts I feel are relevant to the HYH podcast. I'm sure that over time more of it will come through naturally. But I feel this is a good place to start.

It's tough to read the label on your own jar. And I've also found that the more we click into the present moment, the harder it is to remember our past.

I hope that this episode creates a feeling of connection. Human-to-human. Soul-to-soul. And at the very least, gives you a laugh or two.

The main jam…

  • The death experience of the last 2-years.

  • Separation from “reality.”

  • Loss of desire, motivation, and inspiration.

  • Creating from detachment.

  • My mentor Kiley Redhead.

  • The medicine of all of us being who we really are.

  • Rejection and not belonging.

  • The pre-destined choice to come home in this lifetime.

  • The hero’s journey we’re all here to take.

  • Vulnerability for manipulation’s sake.

  • The illusion and danger of the self-help and “spiritual” industries.

  • Find me on the Instagram @katiebuemann.

I love your face.

Your host,


Everything Feels Different


The Intro