Impatience to Emerge

You’ll know when it’s time


Ah the sweet, sweet mushiness of change. How beyond uncomfortable it can be. It’s enough to make us feel as if we actually might be going crazy. As if we will lose our minds if we don’t get out of the blurry chrysalis and into some sort of anchored and more defined way of being.

From this place, it’s only natural to want to reach and grasp for things outside of ourselves. Things to hopefully solve the seemingly unsolvable riddle of this moment of flux.

I get it. Oh, how I have BEEN there. Many times.

In this episode, we dive into all things mushy and how to support yourself through what is inevitably a potent time of change and renewal. The most important takeaway from this episode is, when you know, you’ll know. And if it still feels like you're in the space between, it is because you are meant to be. And from there, the best thing you can do, is meet yourself exactly where you’re at.

The Main Jam...

  • Discomfort in the mushy part of change.

  • Surrendering with one eye on the door.

  • Giving ourselves time and space to be in our process.

  • The medicine of defeat and hopelessness.

  • Meeting your body first and foremost.

  • Physical world vs. spirit world post (referenced)

  • Slowing down and meeting the body first.

  • It’s ok to not always be ok.

  • How to support someone having a tough time.

  • Space to slowly heal.

  • The best thing you can do while you’re waiting.

  • A childhood story.

  • A loving reminder.

I love your face. As always.

Your host,


Emptying to Receive Yourself


Power & Safety