Emptying to Receive Yourself

A natural part of coming home


This episode touches on everything from exploding head syndrome to calling out the dark agenda. There’s a lot here.

The main thing I touch on is the process of emptying and receiving ourselves on the journey home. Something that I get the sense is a natural and necessary part of the whole thing. And something that can be tricky to navigate if we’re placing too much pressure on ourselves during a time when we need the exact opposite.

To begin to receive yourself after you have spent a significant amount of time feeling empty is the most beautiful and welcome experience. It is the reunion with our power. The perspective shift of choice, agency, and sovereignty. And it is, I believe, where we’re all headed.

What a potent and wild time to be alive.

The Main Jam...

  • Forgetting who we are in childhood.

  • Exploding head syndrome and sleep paralysis.

  • What can happen when you open up to the unseen world.

  • A key thing to remember when protecting yourself energetically.

  • Trusting in the emptying of complete identity loss accross the board.

  • Bringers of the Dawn - Book by Barbara Marciniak

  • The purpose and role of hyper-individualism.

  • Calling out the dark agenda.

  • Meeting ourselves from the perspective of choice.

I hope you enjoy.

I love your face.

Your host,


New Beginning


Impatience to Emerge