New Beginning

unfolding into the unknown


New beginnings can be both an exciting relief and, at the same time, pretty damn confronting.

In this episode, I do a super deep dive into the nuance of a new beginning. The emotions and thoughts that often come along with it, the fears that tend to surface, the blocks we might experience, and how to traverse it all. How to lean out of stagnancy and stuckness, and into this exciting new space of movement and creation.

All the while remembering this one most important thing, you and your new beginning will meet exactly when you are meant to, and the only thing you can really do, is be exactly where you are with as much presence as you can muster.

Also, very exciting news! We have a brand NEW Audio Remedy in The Remedy Cupboard to pair with this episode called “New Beginning.” Check it out below!


The Main Jam...

  • We have a brand NEW Audio Remedy in The Remedy Cupboard

  • The alchemy in honoring where we’ve been.

  • Low confidence

  • Overwhelm and anxiety as we unthaw.

  • How to stop choosing from scarcity and lack.

  • Releasing control in the unfolding.

  • Moving forward without a clear vision.

  • Noticing when we’re codependently building our new beginning.

  • Expecting and accepting discomfort.

  • The War of Art - Book by Steven Pressfield.

  • The ice burg effect of tiny steps.

Cheers to you and your new beginning. <3

I love your face.

Your host,


Choice and Thresholds


Emptying to Receive Yourself