Meeting Sadness


In this episode, we’re diving deep into the well of sadness and hopefully taking away some of the stigma and resistance to what is a very natural, and needed, part of being human.

It’s normal to feel sad. If sadness comes, there is a reason for it, and we can trust that reason. When our body and soul speak to us through things like sadness and depression, it is our job to listen. It is our job to not cut off communication, but instead soften to receive it. What would it feel like if you just let yourself be sad? Without trying to change it?

If you’ve been sad in these last few years, me too. There’s a lot to be sad about. There’s a lot to process. And that’s completely okay.

The Main Jam...

  • Accepting and making room for sadness.

  • Developing a relationship with sadness.

  • Meeting our internal truth.

  • The gifts of sadness.

  • Long periods of sadness.

  • Welcoming sadness in.

  • 1:1 Mentorship

I love your face.

Your host,


Anxiety & Stagnation


True Vision