True Vision


What is your true vision? What is the call of your heart? And can you differentiate the call of truth from the call of the ego?

When life seems to bring a lot onto our plate to get cleared at once, it can feel as if we are getting hit by wave after wave. As if we are in the washing machine of life and the “extended spin cycle” button has just been pushed.

Sometimes we need the waves, or the extra intense spin cycle, to cleanse and clear away what has grown old and heavy. To make room for what answers the yearning call of our hearts. All so we might sink more deeply and more soundly into what feels true for us now.

The Main Jam...

  • Honouring our “no”.

  • Connecting the dots of the future.

  • Confusing the ego vision with the true vision.

  • Clarity on what the heart wants.

  • Taking inventory.

  • The frequency of following truth.

  • Stirring up magic.

  • Tread Gently.

  • Relaxing into what is good now.

I love your face.

Your host,


Meeting Sadness


Pausing to Listen