Navigating Change


Ah, change. The ever-present and life-long friend that stands alongside us with the loyalty of a dog promised a bone. Even when we ask it to please, please for the love of god, go home.

Life is always moving, and movement is change. Change is quite literally, a sign of life. However, when it happens all at once (as it seems to often do), and we are overwhelmed with the confronting truth that the only way forward is to fall into the great unknown, it can trigger a lot of uncomfortable feelings.

Today I join you beside a crackling fire as the snowfalls down to dive deep into the nuance of change, how to navigate it, and hopefully some ways you can find a bit of peace among the chaos.

The Main Jam...

  • When everything happens at once.

  • Consistency as a creator.

  • Overwhelm, anxiety, and lack of focus.

  • Procrastination and resistance to change.

  • Sugarcoating the familiar.

  • Obsessing over the change.

  • How do we find more ease in change?

  • The mechanics and energetics of change.

  • Stagnancy and resisting change.

  • Living life in slow motion.

  • Elisha Halpin

  • Amar Atma

  • Maggie Hayes

  • Using distractions without shame.

  • Moving with the grief of change.

  • Harmonic Arts - Adapt Tea

I love your face.

Your host,



  1. What would the wise one within you say about this change right now? What does the wise one within you know to be true?

  2. Is there something that is no longer serving you that this change is supporting you to let go of?

  3. Is there something that you have been calling in (even subconsciously) that this change is creating space for?

  4. What emotions might you be avoiding need to be seen and honoured in the body to create some movement?

  5. What would you need that would help you feel supported in the processing of those emotions? What does your body naturally want to do?

  6. What is something exciting that could come from this change?


Audio Remedies Mentioned



Safety and Home


Choice and Thresholds