Safety and Home


Cozy up and join me by the fire as I dive into safety, home, and receiving our own wisdom.

The day this is released will be moving day for me, which has spurred a lot of thoughts around safety, home, and receiving. Something that can be a deep wound for many.

Am I safe in the world? Will I really be safe if I expand into the fullness of who I am? If I truly felt safe, how would I move differently throughout my day - my life?

Lots of big questions.

Ones that can become very overwhelming if we let them. So, today I move slowly and gently through this episode, and hopefully through moving day (we’ll see about that lol), ruminating on the question… what do you need in this moment to create safety within?

The Main Jam...

  • What blocks us from our own wisdom.

  • The Artists Way - book by Julia Cameron

  • Remembering why we’re here.

  • Connecting to home.

  • Freeing yourself from becoming.

  • Feeling safe enough to choose.

  • Slowly moving vs. waiting to leap.

  • Safety in the masculine.

  • Safety in the feminine.

  • Loss of the false dream.

  • Confused and lost with your dream.

  • Discovering your true dream.

I love your face.

Your host,



  1. What do you need to feel safe within yourself?


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