Take Your Time


Today’s episode includes a moving story, healing portals, trusting our body, the truth of how long transformation can actually take, and the cherry on top - a card pull for you from The Sacred Rebels Oracle deck.

It’s natural this time of year to rush. It’s also baked into our nervous systems that most of life should be rushed if we want to be safe. We force ourselves to push through our days and then wonder why we’re so fearful and self-shaming when we don’t move through our inner transformations and deep soul shifts at the same pace as this unharmonious way of living. We’re not meant to. It’s allowed to be slow. It’s meant to be slow. And in my experience, most of the time, it is.

So let’s take ourselves off the hook, shall we? I hope this episode supports you in some way with doing that.

The Main Jam...

  • A big thank you to YOU.

  • The truth of the creative process.

  • Healing portals.

  • The moving story.

  • Trusting our body’s healing wisdom.

  • Intuition’s messages.

  • How long transformation can truly take.

  • Reading of an oracle card pull.

  • Sacred Rebels Oracle Deck

  • A Gathering of the Tribe - Aubry Marcus video

I love your face.

Your host,




  1. What is being asked of me in my current life experience?

  2. What would it feel like to slow down in this present moment?



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