Out on a Limb


There is a part about trusting our intuition that isn’t talked about much. It’s the part that comes right after we listen to our deep inner knowing and follow through with action (however big or small). It is the part where it feels as if we’re standing out on a limb.

We’ve listened and taken action, and now we must sit in a space of blind trust. Was this the right choice? What if it doesn’t work out? How come nothing is happening? What if it all blows up in my face?

This period of time is where the actual trust in our intuition is built. Where we must continually anchor into that deep inner knowing, and even though it’s not logical, or other people might not understand, even though we might not be seeing the results we expected, we stand steady and remain true to the call of our deep inner knowing.

The Main Jam...

  • Strengthening trust in our intuition.

  • Standing out on a limb.

  • Peace in the unknown.

  • Difference between truth and fear.

  • Elisha Halpin

  • Illogical intuition.

  • Comparing our journies.

I love your face.

Your host,



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