Receiving Goodness


There is the part of the journey a lot of us don’t expect. We dream and plan and work toward our desires, but when the time comes, and they are knocking on our door, will we believe ourselves to be safe enough, and worthy enough, to actually open it?

What is it that keeps us blocked from receiving? How do we open up to receive more from this life? More love, more beauty, more joy. There is so much abundance here for us, but we have to feel safe enough to open to receive it all.

The Main Jam...

  • Accustomed to the struggle.

  • Self-sabotage vs. self-protection.

  • Fear of softening.

  • On Our Best Behavior - By Elise Loehnen

  • Creating a foundation of internal safety.

  • Accepting death.

  • Slowly increasing capacity.

  • Receiving goodness in small doses.

  • Seeking beauty.

I love your face.

Your host,




  1. Is there a part of me that feels afraid to receive?

  2. What is that fear telling me?

  3. What small step can I take towards softening to receive today?



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