Overthinking Life


Do you ever feel like you’re thinking about living more than you’re actually living? I feel like this all the time. However, the urge to stop thinking so much about life, and just let go and live it grows more and more each day.

In this episode, I dive into living in the mind vs. actually living life. Moving through space and time in this physical reality vs. thinking about it. Or more so, overthinking about it. It’s the difference between creating, and thinking about creating. Remembering at the same time to employ bucketloads of compassion as moving forward is almost always accompanied by equally as much fear.

The Main Jam...

  • A life lived in the mind vs. a life lived.

  • Day One App

  • Perceived safety in overthinking.

  • Spiralling vs. circling.

  • Sinking into the body first.

  • Observing our different lives.

  • Masculine energy and the mind.

  • Feminine energy and the body.

  • Dancing between masculine and feminine.

  • Small steps creating new vision.

I love your face.

Your host,




  1. What would moving forward from a grounded heart space look like? What would be that one small step forward? Even if it feels scary or shameful.



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