Reflections on 2022


As the last solo episode of 2022 (where in the hell did that year go?) I reflect on a few of the major lessons that have made, what feels like a year of integration, so quietly powerful.

I hope you find this episode supportive. A huge thank you for being a part of all of this, wishing you a restful, peaceful, and chocolate/PJ-filled end of the year.

The Main Jam...

  • An integration year

  • The top lessons of 2022

  • The relentlessness of the soul to come home

  • External slowness vs. Internal slowness

  • When we lose connection to our vision

  • Patriarchy Stress Disorder - Book by Dr. Valerie Rein

  • The two different kinds of needs

  • A big hug and a kiss on the lips :)

Happy Holidays. Happy New Year. All the things. I love your face.

Your host,




  1. What are the top lessons of the year for me?



Recommended Audio Remedies



Meeting Grief


Safety Within