The Authentic Self


Now bear with me here. I know the words “authentic-self are so beyond overused, but it just felt right for this episode.

Being disconnected from our authentic-self feels like being lost. Like we can’t quite make the right decision and like our wheels are spinning. Our authentic-self is quite literally our road map to this life. It is the blueprint of our soul. And the only thing it wants, is for us to trust it enough to set it free.

The Main Jam...

  • Higher-Self vs. Inner-Self

  • Conditioned smallness

  • Connecting to the authentic self

  • Dreaming differently

  • Dysregulation and self-connection

  • No longer reaching in life

  • Getting stuck in the mind

  • The fear of being seen

  • Blocking our full expression

  • Room to go slow

I love your face. In all of its authenticity.

Your host,




  1. If my authentic self could say something to me right now, what would it be?

  2. What do I need?

  3. What do I desire?

  4. Why am I here?



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