Creative Pressure


Doing creative work in the world is like inviting all of your deepest insecurities and triggers over for a dinner party. Including your inner critic. Who usually shows up early with a half-drunk bottle of cheap wine and muddy shoes.

In this episode, I get into creative pressure and just how normal it is to feel an immense amount of it, what I do to help dissipate it, and the truth that, just because you feel incredible discomfort in doing your creative work, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be.

The Main Jam...

  • Discomfort while creating

  • Showing up as we are

  • The anxiety/shutdown cycle

  • Why do we feel creative pressure?

  • How do we dissipate it?

  • Trusting where we’re at

  • Sharing our stories

  • Disconnection from projecting perfection

  • Freedom in full acceptance

  • Cancel culture

  • The medicine we’re here to give

  • How can we release creative pressure?

I love your face.

Your host,




  1. What is true right now?



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