Accepting the Journey - Part 2


In this episode, we pick up right where we left off - laying outside the operating room in a state of full (and quite literally naked) vulnerability.

I take you with me as I go from operating room, to staying in the hospital, to sleeping in the living room during Christmas, staying at my parent’s house for 1.5 months, asking for help, and all the challenge and beauty that came along with it.

Sharing my story this intimately isn’t exactly something I thought I’d ever do. It’s definitely lightyears out of my comfort zone, but I also know that sharing our humanness, our soft pink underbelly, is the very thing we all need. So here I am. A human being human. Soft pink underbelly and all.

The Main Jam...

  • Scarcity and creative work

  • Releasing the “perfect timing”

  • Yearning for community

  • Hospital food

  • Asking for help

  • Receiving help

  • Watching Christmas

  • Processing trauma

  • Getting out of our body’s way

  • Living at my parent’s

  • A death in the family

  • Grieving together

  • Wanting what we want

  • Walking again

I love your face. Tres muchos.

Your host,




  1. Where in my life am I not trusting?

  2. What would it feel like to let go and trust? What would change?



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Creative Pressure


Accepting the Journey - Part 1