Accepting the Journey - Part 1


It’s been about 2-months since the last episode. What a ride.

Just before Christmas I was stopped dead in my tracks and forced to accept a journey I did not expect to be taking. This episode is part-1 of a 2-part series and dives into where I’ve been, what happened that fateful day, and the beautiful lessons I was offered in the process of it all.

It’s story time over here at the HYH podcast. I hope you find some gems you can put in your pocket and take away for yourself.

The Main Jam...

  • That snowy day

  • Ignoring the whispers

  • The energy of 2023

  • Embodied wisdom vs. studied knowledge

  • The healing power of touch

  • Signs we’re in flow - even if it doesn’t feel like it

  • Receiving love

  • What is “the space between”

  • What the hip represents

  • What the right side body represents

  • The physical expression of self-trust

  • Surrendering all control

Thanks for sticking around. I love your juicy gorgeous face.
Your host,




  1. What am I still holding on to that’s keeping me from fully standing in my next chapter?



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Accepting the Journey - Part 2


Meeting Grief